CommonWealth Partners Paves the Way for District Decarbonization in Downtown Los Angeles
2022 Innovation Awards: Industry Leader, Office Award Winner
City National Plaza, the 3.7 million-square-foot twin-tower property in Downtown Los Angeles, has won an LABBC award for the second year in a row for continued and creative leadership in decarbonization of the commercial office sector. As one of LABBC’s committed Low Carbon Leaders, owner CommonWealth Partners has put increased focus on resilience in the last year by initiating and exploring an opportunity through the Urban Land Institute’s global Net Zero Imperative to anchor the concept of a “distributed district energy system,” which would connect individual central plants at nearby buildings to a centralized system to optimize properties across the neighborhood for carbon intensity, cost and efficiency in real time. This all comes on top of the office property’s reduced energy use by more than 38% since 2013, which has put CommonWealth Partners 80% of the way toward its 2050 net zero emissions goal.