LAUSD Works Toward Becoming the Most Sustainable and Environmentally Friendly Large Urban School District in the Country
Reductions across portfolio in 2018
Reductions across portfolio in 2018
2019 Innovation Awards: Walk the Walk Portfolio of the Year
“As we walk the path towards a sustainable future, we set the pace to create responsible and healthy learning environments where our students continue to thrive.”
Director of Architectural & Engineering Services,
LAUSD – Facilities Services Division Maintenance & Operations
The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) is the largest public school system in the state of California and the second largest in the United States. The district serves most of the City of Los Angeles, along with all or portions of 26 cities and unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County, through a network of over 1,300 schools and centers.
In 2007, the Los Angeles Board of Education passed Green LAUSD, declaring its commitment to become the most sustainable and environmentally-friendly large urban school district in the country. LAUSD’s mission is to reduce energy and water consumption 20% by 2024 while supporting high-performance design, education and awareness programs, and campus ecology programs.
The LAUSD Sustainability Initiatives Unit was established in 2008 as a part of the Facilities Services Division. The unit is committed to developing and implementing programs that support the district's sustainability mission.
Initiated and completed projects at numerous schools and facilities consisting of interior & exterior LED lighting retrofits, occupancy sensors, high efficiency transformer replacements, new pool VFDs, HVAC upgrades and energy management system upgrades.
Installed drywells, bioswales and other features to capture and infiltrate stormwater. Identified four sites for additional stormwater capture projects.
Identified sites for recycled water and plumbing fixture upgrade projects that will save a combined 154 million gallons of water.
Replaced magnetic ballasts with electronic ballasts and T8 lamps at 266 schools, saving $162,800 in electricity costs (880,000 kWh annual electricity reduction).
Completed 127 Collaborative for High Performance Schools (CHPS) recognized projects
Completed one LEED Platinum, five LEED Gold and one LEED Silver Certified schools
Installed solar in 68 project sites with a capacity of 21.5MW.
“Los Angeles Unified aims for optimal efficiency when managing all projects. With our sustainable construction programs, we make the critical technological upgrades to reduce energy consumption. These improvements save money, critical general fund dollars, and also provide an example to students on how to manage a school building.”
Director of Maintenance and Operations, LAUSD
LAUSD stakeholders provide significant insight toward, and contribute to the success of, the District’s sustainability and energy efficiency goals. The district has developed a comprehensive stakeholder review process, involving coordination of all architectural, engineering, and other associated design disciplines, including energy and sustainability, throughout each design phase to ensure maximum participation and input.
LAUSD is continuously developing pilots to reduce energy consumption and maximize opportunities for renewable energy, such as by developing and coordinating a pre-checked roof replacement infrastructure system that supports solar panels for the entire district.