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A rapidly growing number of countries, corporations and financial institutions are announcing pledges to achieve “net zero” carbon emissions by 2050 or sooner. Retrofitting existing buildings will be the wedge that drives the transition, but how will we get there?
The U.S. Department of Energy announced the first 55 participating organizations in a low carbon pilot program, each of which will set commitments and share pathways to low and no carbon emission buildings.
Join LABBC Managing Director Christianne Schrobilgen and Retrofit Advisor Les Rosenberg in conversation with some of L.A.’s inaugural cohort of Low Carbon Leaders as they embark on the journey to net zero. How did they select pilot sites, what challenges do they anticipate and what makes them optimistic?
Key Takeaways
Many Pathways, One Destination: Your journey to net zero will be defined by the specifics of your property and ownership model.
Together, We Go Further: Barriers to net zero are inevitable, but our leaders are committed to sharing challenges they encounter with transparency to model the way forward.
Begin Your Own Journey to Net Zero: Take one step at a time. Join the LABBC today!
David Hodgins
Executive Director
Christianne Schrobilgen
Managing Director, Marketing
Barry Abramson
Principal, Servidyne
on behalf of Douglas Emmett
Patrick Weber
Director of Exhibition Production
Les Rosenberg
Retrofit Advisor, Construction