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How can commercial real estate investors get the data they need to execute on ESG priorities without bogging down negotiations in today’s hyper-competitive market?
Join us for a conversation with leading due diligence firm Marx Okubo and nationally recognized valuation expert Theddi W. Chappell of Sustainable Values to discuss key issues, trends and emerging tactics in this critical area, including:
Best practices for assessing efficiency and resilience during due diligence
Valuation of high- (and poor-) performing buildings
Tools and resources to standardize and streamline information sharing
Key Takeaways
Measure and manage: Metrics are important! ESG data can open the door to added value and help you stay ahead of investor and tenant demand.
Hire smart: Use an appraiser who is knowledgeable about energy efficiency and renewable measures (or is willing to do the work to learn).
Give your energy team a heads up: If you have an ESG strategy, get your energy audit team started on utility data early as possible, e.g. at best-and-final.
Theddi W. Chappell, CRE, MAI, LEED AP
Sustainable Values
David Hodgins
Executive Director
Joseph Milam, PE, CEM
Director of Mechanical Engineering
Marx | Okubo
Chris Geier, PE
Southern California Regional Manager
Marx | Okubo